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CBD Beauty - During Valentine's Day we have an extra discount on everything and we'll even throw in a gift for you

During Valentine's Day we have an extra discount on everything and we'll even throw in a gift for you

Just enter the discount code: VALENTIN25 and get -25% on everything. When you buy over €60, we will automatically include a Valentine's Day bracelet with a rose.

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CBD Beauty - Natural Botox in CANNA REVITAL Cream

Natural Botox in CANNA REVITAL Cream

Thanks to the natural composition it is suitable for face, neck, décolletage and eye area.

CBD Beauty - We ship to all of EUROPE!

We ship to all of EUROPE!

Try our shipping companies. Delivery in Europe takes 2-5 working days. If your country is not in our list of delivery countries, please contact us.



  • CANNA REVITAL - anti-wrinkle face cream 50ml

    Eva ·
    Tento krém je mega pecka!!! Samozrejme aj ostatné produkty ,ktoré som zakúpila sú ZÁZRAK! Pevne verím,že zloženie sa nezmení a produkt bude NAVZDY v predaji !!! Musím napísať, že som si viacej kusov objednala do rezervy,a stala sa mi taka vec ,že keď som išla otvoriť ďalší kus mi nefungovala pumpička co produkuje krém, samozrejme ja v strese a rozmýšľala som ako to otvorím,aby som aj naďalej mohla používať tento ZÁZRAK, ale mne to samozrejme nedalo a napísala som do CBD BEAUTY, aký mám problém, rýchlosťou blesku zareagovali(čo si nesmierne cením) a poradili mi čo mám vyskúšať ,a verte či nie zafungovalo to a krém fungoval tak ako mal a môj deň aj napriek mrakom a zime bol KRÁSNE SLNEČNÝ :-) Toto je Firma na úrovni,majú môj veľký rešpekt, ako aj v dnešnej ťažkej dobe sa vedia správať k svojím zákazníkom s úctou a rešpektom!!! Ď A K U J E M
  • JUICY BOOSTER - anti-wrinkle face cream with blueberry 50ml

    Gabika ·
    Je to fajnový krémik, vsiakne do pokožky, vonia, a zanecháva vláčnosť.
  • CANNA REVITAL - anti-wrinkle face cream 50ml

    Daniela ·
    Najlepší krém na zrelú plen na svete. Vážne. Skúsila som ich mnoho. Používam viac ako dva roky a žiadny iný sa mu nevyrovná. Spominaný botox efekt je pravdivý.

Combining passion
and innovation

We care about choosing the highest quality natural ingredients. Widely avoiding chemical additives and GMO's.

The common base of all our creams is a premium hemp oil, which has the ability to nourish and hydrate the skin for hours after use. Thanks to the combination of antioxidants contained in cannabidiol and active ingredients from essential oils, it may last even up to several days.


CBD Beauty

We ship to all of EUROPE!

Try our shipping companies. Delivery in Europe takes 2-5 working days. If your country is not in our list of delivery countries, please contact us.

Suitable for all skin types

normal, oily, dry or very sensitive skin.

Natural cosmetics of premium quality

our cosmetics meet the highest standards. It is certified and registered on the CPNP portal.

ISO certified hemp extracts

hemp oil enriched with cannabidiol is the basis of our products.

All products are dermatologically tested

no tests have been carried out on animals.