About us
Who we are?
The CBD Beauty brand was created through a combination of passion and innovation. We are not a retailer with warehouses full of merchandise, nor big pharmaceutical players, but a young cosmetics company with an honest vision - that is to revolutionise skincare. We have a skilled research team on board who have been working on perfecting product composition for years. We are driven by the desire to create something unique and, most importantly, effective. And we did it!

Revolution in natural cosmetics
The active ingredient in our creams is organically processed hemp with a high content of cannabidiol, the so-called CBD. This is a substance with an extremely broad spectrum of applicability. Don't confuse it with THC, its effects don't include boisterous laughter or eating out the fridge. Scientific research has confirmed that it has a positive effect on our hormonal and nervous systems, as well as our entire immune system. It helps with dermatitis, has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes the restoration of the skin's natural barrier. Its positive effects in alleviating the symptoms of cancer are also becoming more apparent every day. CBD in cosmetic products is legal here and throughout the EU. We therefore consider it our duty to spread awareness of the beneficial effects of this natural substance and to make it available to people in the most effective form possible.

We take great care in selecting natural ingredients of the highest quality. We avoid chemical additives and GMO's. The common base of all our creams is premium hemp oil, which has the ability to nourish and hydrate the skin for hours after use. Thanks to the combination of antioxidants contained in cannabidiol and active ingredients from essential oils, it may last even up to several days.